Monday, October 23, 2006

Welcome to The Plot

This blog is linked with our home education blog call Elles Funtimes and it will be about the running of our allotment that we're sharing with another home educating family. My children, K (9) and B (7) are looking forward to growing fresh food for the family and perhaps having their own small site to grow their own choice of flowers, fruit or vegetables.

We visited the plot today to find the council had kindly rotivated it for us. They said they'd do this to help us along with the dreaded weeding that always needs to be done before miracle veggies can be grown! We've heard lately that rotivating can actually hinder the process of weed control, but at least the plot looks bearable, rather than just an overgrown mess. B and his friend helped to measure the entire length of the plot and then we used string to divide it in half so we know our boundaries.

Both children are keen to get going, especially K, who wants to start weeding, whatever the weather, later this week!


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