Wednesday, 15th November 2006

Quick update. As you'd been away last week on holiday, I thought the plot would have sprouted extra weeds in our absence so we were itching to get along to continue our major dig!
As it happened, the ground didn't look much different, perhaps we're going to be lucky and not have many weeds on our site (just loads and loads of old roots, which is still pretty bad). All the sections we'd previously covered were still covered, so I just continued to clear another strip. The plot next to ours has been recently worked on. He's dug over a large section and the soil looks lovely, crumbly and clear. We seem to have a bit of this kind of soil next to our walking path, but the rest is pure clay!
We've had a bit of rain since our last visit as the ground was pretty waterlogged - you could hear it squelch as you lifted the fork! Before we left, I dug over a bit extra, just to break it up and let the air dry the ground out a little to hopefully make it easier for me when we return. B was unable to help with any digging this week, he couldn't even remove the fork from the ground poor love. Instead he dissected the numerous pears that have fallen at the head of the plot, and continued to fall (plop, plop) periodically as I worked.
We were alone on the allotment for most of this visit, but one other chap did arrive to pick a few of his huge carrots. He's given me one of his rusty, holey wheelbarrows to help me out. Very kind of him really and it was a help, rather than lugging a large crate of old roots to the dumping area. This chap has quite an industry going on his plot! Huge amounts of odds and ends, buckets, wood, pallets, tools, carpet, netting and a locked shed or two of goodies!
Here's an update photo. Doesn't look much different, can't wait to get some growth on the plot - of the wanted kind that is!
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